Accessible Name Calculation

Accessible Name Techniques

Priority Technique Description
1 aria-labelledby
  • The aria-labelledby attribute contains a list of IDREFs to elements on the page.
  • Text content of referenced elements are concatenated to compute the accessible name.
  • References typically identify visible text on the screen in visual proximity to the control.
2 aria-label
  • The aria-label attribute text content defines the accessible name.
3 text content
  • Some ARIA widget roles allow the text content of the container element to define an accessible name (e.g. role="checkbox").
  • Text content includes text alternatives, for example alt attribute content of an img element.
  • Text content includes text from generated CSS, for example when the content property is used.
4 title
  • If no other source of an accessible name is found and the element has a title attribute, the content of the title attribute will used to define the accessible name.
Postponed label and legend label encapsulation and legend naming techniques are in the current ARIA 1.2 editors working draft as naming techniques, but will be removed and may be in a future version of ARIA.